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The Greek Fintech Hub and National Bank of Greece invite you to take part in the second Fintech Bootcamp 2.0.

The Fintech Bootcamp has been organized for researchers, students and university graduates who have an idea, a business plan, or a ready-made startup in finance.

Our aim is to offer guidance, and to provide a network and information framework about actions and programs that can help in the development of their business plans.

It will be held on Friday 1.4 and on Friday 15.4 at 17:00-20:00 at ACEin of the Athens University of Economics and Business, Kefallinias 46, Athens

 To take part, register here.

Event program:

Friday 1.4 17:00 - 20:00

17:00-17:10 Presentation by the Greek Fintech Hub

17:10-17:30 Presentation of teams

17:30-18:30 How to present my idea (NBG, Unifund, Metavallon)

18:10-20:00 Mentoring for presentations

 Friday 15.4 17:00-20:00

17:00-19:00 Mentoring by Businessmen and Funds

19:00-2000 Presentations by companies/teams

Greek Fintech Hub is an initiative of National Bank of Greece, together with the Onassis Foundation, the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels, the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, and the Athens University of Economics & Business. The European Crowd Dialog initiative has also joined our effort. Subscribe to the Greek Fintech Hub Newsletter  here homepage - Fintech Hub to find out about upcoming events.

 Friday 1.4 17:00 – 20:00

– Make sure you have prepared a brief presentation with 5 slides: 1. Description of the idea, 2. Team, 3. Competition profile and value proposition, 4. Three year profit/cost estimate, 5.  Milestones. 

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10th Fintech Talks goes Metaverse

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